Happy holidays everyone! Let’s get ready for Christmas!
To save your precious time we collected some of the best posts out there about social media marketing for the holiday season. Enjoy!
How Brands Should Prepare For The Season Of Mobile On Facebook (All Facebook)
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Optimize for News Feed
Especially on mobile, posts that feature great images generally have much higher levels of engagement than text-only posts. And compelling videos can be even more engaging — an awesome 30-second or 1-minute video promoted in mobile News Feed can be a welcome diversion while waiting in long lines at the store.
5 Quick PPC Tips For The Festive Season (Robert Ryan)
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Up-sell like it’s your last Christmas ever!
When someone has clicked on one of your pay per click ads,arrived in your shop or category page and been given a compelling deal sweetener now is the time to up-sell. Make sure you try bundle products together or have recommended products. Lots of ecommerce systems, like WooCommerce on WordPress for example, have this functionality built into it, so, make sure to use it. When customers have made the decision to purchase something then the likelihood of them making an additional, perhaps impulse, purchase is much greater. Up-selling can be a great way to eek the most out of your PPC ROI.
The Essential Paid Search Holiday Checklist (Google)
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Recognition and Thank You’s
Last but not least, remember to thank and recognize all those who helped you
along the way to make this a blockbuster season for your search campaigns.
Ideas to Leverage Holiday Season for Your Brand on Social Media (Social Samosa)
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Building the buzz on YouTube
1. Use videos to engage with audiences by creating fun seasonal video campaigns with hidden offer codes. Letting people know there is a discount code hidden somewhere in the video will be motivation enough to encourage active viewing and sharing.
2. Alternatively get people to film something festive and link to your YouTube channel. They can film things like mixing fruit for Christmas cake, dressing and stuffing a turkey or decorating their Christmas tree.
Social media campaigns for the festive season can be as creative and impactful as you want them to be. But be sure to:
- Plan ahead
- Use lots of pictures
- Encourage audience participation and engagement
- Reinvent and provide novelty
- Reward people for participation
25-inspiring-marketing-ideas-for-2013-winter-holiday-season (Link Assistant)
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Encourage customers to share their off-line purchases in social media
More than half of consumers use social media while in-store. 66% of them post to tell friends about purchases and 42% upload photos of holiday purchase to Facebook. Encourage these shoppers to share their offline interactions online – that will help you reach out to new potential clients.
25 Holiday Marketing Tips & Ideas (Vertical Response)
It’s not exactly a social media marketing tip but we liked:
Host a holiday season kick-off event to bring customers in – such as a tree-lighting ceremony with hot chocolate and a visit from Santa – and make sure customers leave with your holiday catalog.
7 Ideas To Boost Online Holiday Sales In 2013 With Social Media (Yahoo!)
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Offer free shipping to your Facebook and Twitter followers
- How it works:
- Post a discount code or link for free shipping offer on your Facebook and Twitter page.
- Make the free shipping offer available for a limited-time only to get more people to respond faster to the offer.
- Why it works:
- For the customer
- The obvious benefit of free shipping is that it allows people to save money on holiday shopping. And thanks to Facebook and Twitter’s liking, resharing, retweeting, and hashtag features, special offers such as free shipping are easier for many people to discover.
- For your online shop
- Facebook or Twitter are the places on the Internet where people are most likely to discover and reshare your free shipping offer. Posting this offer on social networks will also bring you more social followers who are excited to learn about your future deals.
- For the customer
Facebook Holiday Contests: 12 Last-Minute Super Festive Ideas (Short Stack)
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The great great infographic.
3 Tips For A Holly Jolly Social Media Holiday Season (Marketing Land)
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Stay Active
Yes, things tend to slow down around the holidays. However, ours is not a nine-to-five world anymore; social media and mobile devices pretty much did away with that concept. Far too many businesses and brands will take the holidays off from their social media duties. Yet this is precisely when you need to be even more active, for this is the time when your customers, particularly those of the retail variety, will be more social media active and aware.
Oh, and in case you forgot this little point too, customer service never takes a day off. Ever! If someone Tweets you or leaves you a message on Facebook re: an issue or concern or question, you darn well better be there to answer them and in a timely manner. Otherwise, you might as well put a sign like this one to the right up on your Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites.
5 Holiday Social Media Tips for Ecommerce Merchants (Practical Ecommerce)
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Buy Social Ads
For most of your social media marketing, you’re going to focus on engagement, relationship building, and being helpful. Your aim is to take advantage of social’s word-of-mouth influence to ultimately encourage sales. But there is one place on social that you can go for direct traffic and sales: paid promotion or, as some marketers call it, paid social.
Facebook, as an example, has seen click-through rates for its ads rise 275 percent year-over-year, according to Adobe. The platform is also offering both a cost-per-thousand and a pay-per-click model, giving marketers the opportunity to better optimize campaigns.
For Christmas 2013 consider using a fair portion of your paid advertising budget on paid social. As with any paid marketing, monitor, measure, analyze, and optimize.
6 Social Media Tips to Get the Most Out of the Holidays (socialmediatoday.com)
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Set goals for the coming year
New Years Day represents a fresh beginning, and opportune time to enact resolutions and find ways to build upon successes of years past, and the same holds true for businesses, many of which have a fiscal year that mirrors the calendar year. While having a personal resolution to lay off fried food, or visit the gym more frequently are easy to identify and put into action, business resolutions – or goals to be more direct about it – should be more thoughtful and strategic, and thus, require more time to think about. So, if you haven’t been thinking about your social media and content marketing goals for 2014, now is a perfect time to start.
Have you stumbled upon a cool list of tips and ideas? Want to add something to this post? Shoot us an email: holiday [at] buzzspice.com